Home Articles Major Later Regrets That Hit Most Seekers Of High Spiritual Pursuits

Major Later Regrets That Hit Most Seekers Of High Spiritual Pursuits


WRITTEN BY: Regula Rebel
Call:+233 244 859 286


While it is blissful and powerful to be highly spiritual as the supernatural benefits of spirituality nourish the loyal practitioner’s soul, spirit, mind and body —it must be learnt that spirituality is not to be treated as ultimate over the other aspects of life. Everyone must keep a rational ratio of all the aspects of life.

There are concurrent or later adverse consequences when a practitioner’s spirituality   is mismanaged in a way that puts his or her general real world welfare at peril.

Many staunch adherents of spirituality that end up being under-achievers in the real world have silent regrets and wish they had also lived a life that could earn them fulfilments across all the aspects of their life while maintaining a high spirituality.

Among the several personal and general regrets that unflinching spiritualists harbor later in their life, these are the major ten that worry them the most and they might dare to change if time and chance will allow them to:

1.. Letting Go Of Favourites and Addictions
In pursuance of spiritual goals, spirituality adherents are seriously required to sacrifice all the things that will impede their successes on their way up. This requirement or restriction even insists that they let go of their very favourite things and addictions — if those favourite things and addictions are obstructions to their spiritual growth potentials.

Should they keep on indulging in those things, they can’t achieve the high spiritual goals set for them — but not everyone can easily make such a meaningful sacrifice, as certain addictions are hard prisons.

Of course, everyone’s favourite of things and sweet addictions give them a certain joy, so once the absence of a strongly missed joy makes a spirituality adherent feel empty, he gets nostalgic and starts reminiscing. When he gets uncontrollably nostalgic and weak, he revisits what he’s been restricted from.

Spirituality adherents that repeatedly fall back to their forbidden favourites and abominable addictions mid-way their spiritual journey suffer a hot discomfort, then they give up on their spiritual journey when they can no longer resist the nostalgia — thus, choosing their forbidden favourites or sweet additions over spirituality.

This quitting is based on regression.

2]. Elusive Mystic Heights
That one can grow from a low level to a high level in spirituality and still keep on soaring through further levels up is absolutely true but only as a potentiality, because it is not generally guaranteed that every mystery student will graduate to the next level automatically. There are strict inevitable tests to cross. There are prices to pay. No skipping! No short cuts! No free elevation. Everyone must pass the tests or pay the price to be elevated further.

Spirituality is a school of zero favour or no free score when it comes to graduating students.

Mystery students that get stuck at a certain down level for so long might still be sticking just right there for a lifetime without ever earning an elevation to the next level — because their strength can’t carry on just yet or anymore at all or they’re not fit to be there — if they’re not destined to go that high.

When elevation proves permanently impossible or it’s a farther point away now or better still elusive, some students give up in complete disappointment — as they feel their mastery is now too late and it won’t be of great use to them anytime in their remaining life.

Once high mystic heights elude ineligible mystery students, they can’t achieve mastery. They then feel disappointed for having not graduated yet. Some regret, feeling that they’ve wasted time practicing spirituality this much.

3]. Inability To Be Superhuman
It hurts them real hot that they’re still normal humans like the average person, after several years of doing deep studies into the mysteries and performing high rituals and making great sacrifices. This pisses them off a whole lot, feeling that their sacred rituals and sacrifices failed at bringing them supernatural benefits that all eyes can see.

They thus have nothing real to show off when they are to brag or testify about their long practice of due spirituality.

Many embark on an extremely serious spiritual journey, believing that their journey will make them superhuman, giving them the powers it takes to combat mortal cases like negative hereditary traits, genetic issues, pain, calamities, misfortune, diseases or situations that imperil their very life or others around them.

Their inability to overcome negative natural phenomena or spiritual problems that have plagued them, their loved ones or others make them feel insufficiently endowed. At this point, some disappointed spirituality adherents think the universe is not being fair to them. That they’ve been cheated on and are then left less-rewarded by the powers that be. The very powers they tend to please with their spirituality in exchange for glorious supernatural blessings.

In their deep resentment at their unyielding spirituality, some disgruntled spirituality adherents eventually take a reverse turn to total materialism by completely giving up on their spiritual goals. Others create a fair balance between materialism and spirituality — just so they can build some great material legacies to endow and please their posterity with. Such a balanced set just don’t want to die an ancestor that didn’t endow their next generation.

4]. Imbalance Thus Yields Partial Fulfilment
Yes …humans are spiritual beings, yet we are naturally obliged to keep a balanced lifestyle that spans all the six aspects of life: Mental Aspect, Physical Aspect, Emotional Aspect, Social Aspect, Prosperity Aspect and Spiritual Aspect.

Ignoring one aspect or two or more to focus on others creates an imbalance whose tolls negatively affect us later in life. Because spirituality is the highest life aspect, people that choose to be minimalist and non-materialistic tend to pay more attention to their spiritual needs than to their needs of the other life aspects.

Realizing that they have not given the other aspects of life the needed care and focus — but they’ve rather over-focused on spirituality and they’ve now run short of the benefits of the other aspects, the unsatisfied spirituality adherent feels heavily guilty for doing themselves a great disservice by not keeping a balanced life.

Such a guilt eventually translates to regret — especially when so much benefits from the other life aspects have been missed or lost in the long run.

5]. Humble Characteristics

Mean labour, misery, misfortune, alms benefits, abject poverty and reliance on pittance for basic survival characterize spirituality seekers that are unskilled or have extremely low value skills, as they don’t have a steady income flow from the mean jobs they may do. This may not be a burning concern to some of them, because they believe their condition is part of the basics of spirituality — so they accept to live a minority life that’s outside society’s major norms.

 To just survive through these humble characteristics, underprivileged seekers mostly live on other people’s generosity or community charity. They don’t have a lifetime self-reliance.

The regressions set in when they start concluding that living on alms or measly mean wages is demeaning and they feel they are at the dredge of humanity.  Even, the realization that they are living an economically-troubled life that can’t build a legacy daunts them and they begin to reset their mind towards reasonable materialism.

6].Measly Generational Legacy Or No Generational Legacy
People of unreasonable focus on high spirituality that show an unwavering lifetime disinterest in worldly possessions never bother to amass wealth, because they are extremely staunch in their faith and they mean to live a somehow extreme base level minimalistic life that’s way too distant from the touch of materialism. In this zero materialism position, they do a great disservice to their junior generations, as they have no legacy to will to them.

In a home that’s mainly headed by staunch spirituality adherents that lack inheritable long-term economic achievements, generational legacies of great economic wealth are not built, thus the next generations in that home are willed nothing or they survive on a measly few basic possessions. They grow up to suffer in lack.

Realizing much too later that they have nothing meaningful to will the next generation, many spiritual-but-poor people regret their disservice of not building an economic legacy for their family — feeling guilty for overly focusing on spirituality and treating the other aspects of life as unnecessary.

7]. Failure To Change The World
People that embark on a higher spiritual journey to seek uncommon spiritual knowledge and solutions often have an intent to make a positive change to the world by serving humanity a great good. Achieving this goal gives them self-fulfillment and gives them a good sense of self-praise.

In the event that their life-changing philosophies, ideals, advocacies, education and positive contributions are not working as they expect due to prevailing contrary forces that are impeding their target results, they feel heavily disappointed and conclude that their spirituality is failing woefully.

In the wake of dire disappointments, these spiritual spearheads feel that shame and dishonor have stained their conscious efforts. They thus resent their failed attempts and regard spirituality as some elusive goal and may regret ever engaging in its practices that serious

8]. Missed Prosperity Chances
Considering materialism to be an obstacle to great spirituality, most spirituality adherents see wealth creation as a goal for the materialistic so they won’t embark on endeavours  that can make them rich, but after abject brokenness have kept them in lack for more than necessary and their life is getting worse, they regret not chasing wealth and rather wish they had been prosperous enough to enjoy self-reliance and financial freedom at a level where they won’t need other people’s generosity for survival.

At this later time of regrets, they’ve already lost a good count of prosperity chances and their real world success is either coming on so late or is almost impossible. At this point, they have a long series of catch-ups to do, but time or aging might not allow them the opportunity to rearrange their life.

9]. Not Being Romantic Enough
Being too serious with a strict spirituality mentality by living a belief-defined holy life that they think pleases the Heavens and keep them in a constant relationship with angels, many light seekers never bother to learn the art of basic romance. They frown on naughtiness or the crazy things that spice up intimacy.

In their dating, courtship or marriage fun moments, they act excessively boring, sexually unattractive and show consistent turn-offs — letting their fun-starved partner harbour the tendency to jilt them for someone that will satisfy their wild fantasies.

Of any intimate act, if it’s freaky, it is unwelcoming to the highly spiritual — thus a partner that craves intense sexual fantasies soon becomes incompatible to them.

After running through a series of hurtful breakups from partners they wanted to live the rest of their life with, the highly spiritual regrets not being romantic enough in ways that would have kept the potential love of their life.

10]. Late Parenthood
Sex is a dirty act! Marriage can wait! Unborn kids can cry all they want wherever they are! And oh, childlessness is bliss, too! These are thoughts that run through the minds of some seekers of higher spiritual knowledge. They don’t fancy family-making that much.

Not that they dread parenting, but the very norm of engaging in active sexual activities while pursuing spirituality grinds their sexual tendencies to a long pause and they keep on pushing away their marriage plans.

The firm resolute of most high spirituality folks to live by sacred codes and remain chaste often restrict them from gratifying their sexual tendencies. Thus they consider intimacy as a hindrance to spirituality and they therefore don’t include sexual engagements or marriage in their plans. In fact, some see sex unclean.

Later when the realization of aging hit their sense of time, they regret not making family in the early or mid-years of their youthfulness. Not living to see their grandchildren is a silent inner worry.

At old age, everyone develops a high sense of family and longs for ready care and social attention from responsible relatives. It’s therefore prudent to prioritize reproduction early enough while chasing a super spiritual status.

While chasing a high level of spirituality, it is prudent to consider the other aspects of life and do the right things it takes to achieve those too, so you live as a human that have a balanced life.

Making efforts to achieve a well-balanced life that fits your very purpose on Earth eliminates the conditions that generate regrets, thus you will live a fulfilled life as human proper. Having sbalanced life plans helps you achieve some good degree of goals at each aspect of life.

Knowing your destiny, having a full knowledge of self, being yourself, doing the right things that can ensure your success and knowing your achievement limit in this incarnation really helps you to not set for yourself goals you can’t really achieve.

Be you!